Gingival Transparency due to Inadaptation of the Metallic-Ceramic Crown


Inadaptation of a metal-ceramic crown made 15 years ago. With the restoration, the resin at the junction with the root, caused gingival recession.


The plan outlined by the team focused on the placement of connective tissue graft to make keratinized gums thicker and thus cover darkened roots. Replacement of crown and metal false trough.

Clinica Pinheiro Torres - Gingival Transparency due to Inadaptation of Metalo-Ceramic Crown
Clinica Pinheiro Torres - Gingival Transparency due to Inadaptation of Metalo-Ceramic Crown
Clinica Pinheiro Torres - Gingival Transparency due to Inadaptation of Metalo-Ceramic Crown
Clinica Pinheiro Torres - Gingival Transparency due to Inadaptation of Metalo-Ceramic Crown
Clinica Pinheiro Torres - Gingival Transparency due to Inadaptation of Metalo-Ceramic Crown

Técnica eficaz para o sector anterior estético, estável e com longevidade.

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