Perda de dentes por perda óssea
60 years
Chronic Periodontitis.
Absence of several teeth in the maxilla and advanced mobility in the remaining ones. Spontaneous loss of the left central and lateral incisors by bone deficiency.
1- Tooth extraction of the remaining teeth in the maxilla
2- Computer guided surgery, inserting 6 implants in the maxilla
3- Gingival micro-surgical technic in the left side, to augment volume, compensating the bone loss
4- Immediate insertion of 12 provisional teeth (all procedures are made in one surgical time)
5- After 4 months, permanent teeth are inserted. A 12 teth zirconia/ceramic arch in the maxilla, maintaining her true identity and personality
Case completed on 08/2015
A testimony
“O tratamento realizado alterou de forma bastante positiva a minha vida. Melhorou a qualidade de vida de forma bastante significativa por poder sorrir, falar e comer sem inibições. Agradeço a disponibilidade da clínica e a forma como me tratou ao longo de todo o tratamento.”
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